Seadown Veterinary Services in Hythe help overweight dog shed almost 10kg
Carolyn Griffath, New Milton Advertiser

Seadown Veterinary Services in Hythe help overweight dog shed almost 10kg

AN overweight dog that was hit by a car has lost almost 10kg thanks to the help of a Hythe vet.

Labrador-beagle cross Bert suffered multiple injuries to his leg and foot, along with the loss of some of his teeth, in the accident on Hythe bypass..

Due to the permanent damage caused to his foot, his owners were warned by staff at Seadown that he should not be over exercised. However, his breed mix making him susceptible to weight gain, coupled with a reduction in exercise caused “a vicious circle”.

Despite initial worries that Bert – who has become a “firm favourite” at the practice during his treatment – had suffered major internal injuries or that the damage to his leg was too severe, his owners feel he is “incredibly lucky” that the only lasting damage is to his foot. He has been left with splayed toes and a limp after his broken bones failed to heal back in place.

A spokesperson for Seadown explained: “The heavier Bert became, the greater pressure on his foot, so it became a bit of a vicious circle. In the end Bert was put under the fabulous care of our very own head nurse, Ali Church.

“Over the course of around 12 months, under Ali’s special supervision, Bert lost almost 10kg – which is almost a third of his heaviest weight. He is now much healthier, suffering a lot less with his foot, and able to play far more often with his friends.”

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